Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Physical Therapy

OK. I started Physical Therapy. Holy crap. I think these people are sadists. This man took great pleasure in causing me pain. He twisted and turned my arm in directions that it had a hard time getting into before surgery. I hurt that day, but I hurt even more the next day. I have some stretching exercises that I'm supposed to do, but wow, I can hardly lift my arm today.

So instead of inspiration, I'm giving you a video that put a smile on my face. I love this idea!


  1. i am sorry for you i hope you become well soon

  2. keep it up with the physio man, i'm sure you'll get better

  3. Hahahha it hurts at first but you will get better!

  4. and its going to be worse :D
    no just joking. endure the pain and u'll gonna see that it was totally worth it

  5. dood, keep workin it, pain is momentary!

  6. Thats awesome, I would go shopping just for that! Get better soon!

  7. Dude, sounds so hard, im so thankful I haven't had to go through it... Hopefully it will stay that way

  8. yeah i swear physio people get off on watching people suffer

  9. that is awesome, I want the stores around here to do that lol.

    and I'm sorry to hear that, I was told I needed physical therapy =/

  10. well... youll be happy you did it in some days. your body should feel relaxed like never before

  11. looks painful yo, does it it feel good tho?

  12. I just had to come back and watch this funny clip

  13. I had similar experiences when someone did martial arts esque physical therapy on me, when i developed sciatica from a muscle micro-tear. fuck, that was not fun.

  14. Yeah PT is a pain, but its worth it, just got to push through mentally
